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Verity's Music

I studied at the Royal Academy of Music, London, where I gained the highest award for violin performance, the Recital Diploma. My musical career has been full of variety and piano skills have played an important role too. I have taught on and off for the last forty years.


Currently, I play regularly for the Sinfonia of Arun, which provides orchestral accompaniment for choral societies along the south coast. Occasionally, I play solo (usually for weddings) or in chamber ensembles. My most frequent playing slot occurs twice a month on a Sunday morning at St. Mary's church, Buriton, where I play piano and organ. It is a real pleasure to be able to contribute some decent music (I hope!) within the context of worship services - especially J.S. Bach, my favourite!


For a fuller account of my career, click the link below.

Violin / Piano

One of the more notable events I took part in  relatively recently (July 2017) involved me accompanying Shuli Natan singing Yerushalaim Shel Zahav to commemorate 70 years since the Exodus 1947 Affair in Haifa.


Other memorable performances in the past have included Bach's Magnificat in the Domitian Abbey in the Old City of Jerusalem - to an audience of Germans and Jews; 


Following close behind in terms of memorability must be the Naval dinners on HMS VICTORY, for which I used to play appropriate music (sailor's hornpipe, etc.) dressed in 1805 sailor's uniform!

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